ALBI score calculator


所需參數: bilirubin, albumin

原始公式: ALBI Score=(log10​ bilirubin(μmol/L)×0.66)+(albumin(g/L)×(−0.085))

單位換算後公式為 ALBI Score=0.66×log10​(bilirubin (mg/dL))+0.814+(−0.85×albumin (g/dL))

結果判讀: ALBI Grade 1: ≤ -2.60; ALBI Grade 2: -2.60 < ALBI ≤ -1.39; ALBI Grade 3: > -1.39

ALBI Score Calculator

ALBI Score Calculator

Enter the following values to calculate the ALBI Score:

出處: Johnson PJ, Berhane S, Kagebayashi C, Satomura S, Teng M, Reeves HL, et al. Assessment of liver function in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: a new evidence-based approach-the ALBI grade. J Clin Oncol 2015;33:550–558.